Former Hospital Lodge in York Place

This B-listed building on York Place, originally the lodge for the 1836 Perth County and City Infirmary was built in 1840 to a design by William Donald Mackenzie, a Perth City Architect, who was responsible for a number of impressive public and domestic buildings within the city. The Infirmary is now the A K Bell Library. The Lodge was was built in a neo-classical style to harmonise with the main hospital building. It was moved and rebuilt on its present site on York Place in 1867. After being derelict for many years it was purchased and restored by the Perth…


Bowerswell House – Effie Gray

Bowerswell House, now part of Bowersell Memorial Homes, was the home of the Gray family whose daughter Effie Gray was married initially to John Ruskin, the influential art critic. Following her divorce, she married the pre-Raphaelite artist John Everett Millias. There are reproductions of some of Ruskin’s paintings with explanatory text in the dining room which is occasionally open to the public on Doors Open Days. The refurbishment of the House and its surroundings in 1991 are remembered in further plaques and there is a framed award by Perth Civic Trust. See also Bowerswell House War Memorials.


Greyfriars Monastery and Burial Ground

The  Franciscan Monastery was founded in 1460 but destroyed in 1559 at the start of the Scottish Reformation. Franciscans are sometimes referred to as Greyfriars. The original Rule of Saint Francis did not allow ownership of property, requiring members of the order to beg for food while preaching. The austerity was meant to emulate the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Franciscans travelled and preached in the streets, while staying in church properties.      The gate post and lintel at the entrance to the grounds give information on the Spey Tower, the city walls and details the site of the deaths…

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