Fleshers Guild building in South Street

This Fleshers Guild sign is on a building in South Street (on its south side facing Fleshers’ Vennel). The Fleshers Guild erected the building in 1889 and used the hall until the 1920’s. The building replaced the Flesher’s Incorporation abattoir which previously stood on the site. This area of the South street had since Medieval times been the part of Perth used by the Fleshers both to slaughter animals and to sell meat in the market. (Perth, Street by Street, Paul Philippou). Meat and other commodities were traded on prescribed days and rules were strictly enforced. They held their market…


West Port

At the junction of High Street and South Methven Street was the old West Port, one of the many entrances to the city in medieval times. Traders would enter her to go to the many markets held within the walls. A modern information board entitled Going to Market (Panel 9 of the Perth Medieval Trail) can be found beside the newly redeveloped St Paul’s Church open-air space.


Old Mercat Cross

A stone plaque in the roadway of the High Street near its junction with Skinnergate marks the site of the Old Mercat Cross. A modern information board close-by describes the various markets held over the centuries. This is Panel 6 of the Perth Medieval Trail which replaced an earlier board (also pictured below). Further details of markets and trades are recorded on Panel 8 at St John’s Kirk. The original cross was demolished by Cromwell’s engineers  to provide stones for his citadel. It was re-instated in 1669 and this replacement demolished in 1765. It was here in 1746 that Charles…

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