Railway Station platform 7 plaque

A recently placed plaque on platform 7 tells of the past importance of Perth as a railway hub and how it came to be designed in 1848. Major alterations then took place in 1885-7 and 1911. We are unsure who commissioned or produced this plaque. If you know please let us know in the comments box below. Perth and Kinross Archive published a Facebook post on 7th Dec 2023 with photos revealing just how impressive the original Tudoresque main building looked, and how it was partially obscured by the later 1880s additions. As the metal roof of this later part…


History of Golf in Perth

Until recently there was a modern information board close to the railway bridge over the Tay, setting out the history of the game in Perth. There is a reference to James IV playing in Perth in 1504 despite the recently past  laws prohibiting the game. (see Archery Butts). Beside it was another board entitled 'Perth and the Railways' and nearby one called 'Wildlife on the Tay' but all of these have been removed.


St Leonard’s Priory

Also known as the Nunnery of St Leonard the Abbot, this nunnery first recorded in 1411 was occupied by both nuns and monks. When the Carthusian Monastery  was established in 1429, it suppressed the nunnery. The lands of the nunnery were conferred on the Carthusian Monastery who continued the chapel under its patronage. Following the dissolution of the monasteries the lands were acquired many years later by the Glover Corporation. The plaque showing the site of this nunnery is on the old Salmon Fisheries Building on St. Leonard’s Bank. The land is now much changed due to the construction of…


Railway Station – William Downie

William Downie’s 2006 retiral plaque is on platform 5. He is described as being the last of the “time served locking fitters” showing how the skills needed by railway employees had changed.


Railway Station Secret Garden

Perth Station even has a Secret Garden located to the left of the main entrance, on platform 2 and 3/4(!). It is run by the volunteers of Perth Station Garden Club – see their Facebook page.


Railway Station – Clocks

Large ornate clocks are prominent on platforms 4 and 5. These are the original clocks made by J.A. Ritchie of Edinburgh who was also responsible for the floral clock in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh.

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