Modern period

Pomarium Street Playground

A rather sad plaque on a large boulder on some waste ground between the Pomarium Street flats and Perth Bus Station reminds us that this was once a children's playground. Funded by the Forteviot Trust, it was opened in 1968 by Lord Forteviot, but the equipment was removed in the 1990s. For many years it became an unofficial free car park until Perth and Kinross Council fenced it off with bollards in 2012. See press coverage from 2012: Window of opportunity closes on free spaces in Perth - Daily Record It is now reverting to nature.


York Corner

This building is at the western corner of York Place and New Row and comprises 1-9 York Place and 41-45 New Row. It is a 4-storey grade B listed corner block built in1906/7 (George Penrose Kennedy Young), which features detailed carvings and signage typical of the John James Burnet Edwardian Baroque architectural movement. (Perth: Street by Street).


Queen’s Barracks on Caledonian Road

This plinth on Caledonian Road stands beside the path to Black Watch Gardens and opposite Barrack Street / Dunkeld Road. It bears the crest of the Black Watch Regiment and an information board which tells the history of the Queen's Barracks from its beginnings in 1831 until the regiment moved to modern barracks in Dunkeld Road. In 2006 the Black Watch were integrated into the Royal Regiment of Scotland. See also Black Watch Castle and Museum.


North Inch Time Capsule

The capsule was sealed and buried on 20th October 2010 by Provost John Hulbert and Mr. Gair Brisbane of the Royal Air Force Association. The capsule celebrates the 800th anniversary of the granting of the Royal Charter to Perth in 1210 and also the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. The capsule is to remain closed for two hundred years.


Aschaffenburg plaque outside 2 High Street

A circular metal plaque has been set in the pavement outside the main entrance to the Council Headquarters at 2 High St. It bears the coat of arms of Aschaffenburg. Perth was twinned with Aschaffenburg in 1956. Aschaffenburg has a population of 70,000, it stands on both sides of the River Main in Bavaria in south-west Germany. On the flood wall in Tay Street the twinning is commemorated by a stone plaque with the coat of arms of Aschaffenburg.


Aschaffenburg plaque in the St Johns Centre

Look up as you enter the St Johns Shopping Centre from High Street. You will see one of the plaques indicating that Perth is twinned with Aschaffenburg. Aschaffenburg has a population of 70,000, it stands on both sides of the River Main in Bavaria in south-west Germany. There is evidence of inhabitation in that area during the Stone Age. The town was occupied by the Romans and has continued to be prominent in the history of Bavaria. During the Second World War it was almost completely destroyed by bombing and a last stand by the German Army in March to…

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