Queen’s Barracks on Caledonian Road

This plinth on Caledonian Road stands beside the path to Black Watch Gardens and opposite Barrack Street / Dunkeld Road. It bears the crest of the Black Watch Regiment and an information board which tells the history of the Queen's Barracks from its beginnings in 1831 until the regiment moved to modern barracks in Dunkeld Road. In 2006 the Black Watch were integrated into the Royal Regiment of Scotland. See also Black Watch Castle and Museum.


The Gowrie House and Conspiracy

The large plaque on the front of the Sherriff Court in Tay Street records the events of the 5th August 1600 when an attempt was made on the life of James VI. The Gowrie House was built in 1520 by the Countess of Huntly who later sold it to the Ruthven family. After the Gowrie conspiracy the Ruthven family, who were considered responsible for the attack on the king, forfeited the building which was then held jointly by the Murrays of Stormont and Perth Town Council. Charles II stayed in Gowrie House after his Scottish coronation in Scone in 1651…

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