Robert Douglas Memorial School – Polish Army
The Polish Army used the Robert Douglas Memorial School in Scone during the Second World War. The plaque on the front of the building was erected in gratitude for the kindnesses they had received.
The Polish Army used the Robert Douglas Memorial School in Scone during the Second World War. The plaque on the front of the building was erected in gratitude for the kindnesses they had received.
Robert Douglas Memorial School on Spoutwells Road in New Scone opened in 1935. Robert Douglas (1859-1929) moved to America at an early age where he founded a company dealing in jam and associated products. He endowed a number of projects in New Scone the place of his birth. The photograph taken inside the school shows the spades used to remove the first turfs to formally signify the beginning of the building of the school. The turfs were cut by Robert Douglas’s sister and his son Mr. Charles A. Douglas in 1933. The Polish Army used the School during the war,…
The Robert Douglas Memorial Park in Scone was set out and equipped by funds provided by the Robert Douglas Trust. More about Robert Douglas can be found at The land was donated by Charles Hutchison, described as a local benefactor. The park was opened in 1931 by the widow of Robert Douglas.
A plaque records the gifting of a large portion of his estate to Perth Royal Infirmary by John Graham of Tippermalo, Methven in 1922. A second plaque records a similar gift by Robert Douglas in 1932 which was used to create wards in the hospital known as “The Douglas Wards”. Robert Douglas, a native of Scone was a resident of Rochester, New York. These gifts were donated before the advent of the National Health Service when the Infirmary must have been dependent on public benefactors. A plaque records the services of Sir Francis Norie-Miller as Chairman of the Directors of…