Bowerswell House – War Memorials

Bowerswell House Memorial Homes feature a number of war memorials. A memorial window is dedicated to the fallen of Perth from World War 2. An obelisk within the grounds celebrates 50 years of peace, remembering those who lost their lives. The refurbishment of the House and its surroundings in 1991 are remembered in further plaques and there is a framed award by Perth Civic Trust. See also Bowerswell House - Effie Gray.

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Perth Academy War Memorials

The memorial, in the School Assembly hall records the names of former pupils who fell in two world wars. The memorial for the First World War had previously been at the Old Academy in Rose Terrace. This memorial has been replaced by a new plaque donated by Perth Civic Trust. Pupils of Perth Academy have identified everyone on the memorial and made a record of their lives.


St John’s Kirk War Memorials

Robert Lorimer carried out a restoration to transform the Kirk into the War Memorial to the dead of Perth and Perthshire following the Great War 1914 – 1918. In addition to the concept of the whole building being a War Memorial, within the church are a series of individual plaques to specific regiments and groupings. The Parachute Regiment The Burma Star Association                              The Royal Army Service Corps. The Black Watch in the Boer War Members of the Congregation of St. John’s A shrine to all from Perth and County who fell in the two World Wars. The Scottish Area Women’s…

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