David Douglas Memorial

David Douglas (1799-1834), the botanist, was born in Scone and attended Kinnoull School. Initially working as a gardener at Scone Palace, he became a plant hunter travelling extensively in Northwest America, Hawaii and Canada.  He is famous for the introduction to Great Britain of a variety of plant species particularly the Douglas fir. Lists of other species he introduced are to be found on the monument. He died on Hawaii aged 35 in 1834. He was when gored by a bull after he fell into a pit into which the bull had also stumbled.


Robert Douglas Memorial School in Scone

Robert Douglas Memorial School on Spoutwells Road in New Scone opened in 1935. Robert Douglas (1859-1929) moved to America at an early age where he founded a company dealing in jam and associated products. He endowed a number of projects in New Scone the place of his birth. The photograph taken inside the school shows the spades used to remove the first turfs to formally signify the beginning of the building of the school. The turfs were cut by Robert Douglas’s sister and his son Mr. Charles A. Douglas in 1933. The Polish Army used the School during the war,…

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