Sir James McKenzie

Sir James, who was born in this cottage at Pictstonhill Farm, became a famous cardiologist. While working in general practice in Burnley he developed theories relating to heart diseases. He devised surgical instruments to measure heart function and was responsible for the introduction of digitalis to control heart malfunction. Sir James was responsible for the establishment of the Military Heart Hospital where he acted as a consultant during the First World War. He was Knighted in 1915, aged 62.


Sir Patrick Geddes Obelisk

An obelisk, standing in the gardens of the Rodney Pavilion, was erected in memory of Sir Patrick (1854-1932) who spent his childhood in a cottage on Mount Tabor Road. Adjacent to the obelisk is a plaque which explains the symbolism on the obelisk, symbols which  encompass the range of Sir Patrick’s interests. Sir Patrick Geddes is principally renowned for his work as a pioneer of town planning. Due to his interest in the biological sciences he held a lectureship in botany at Aberdeen University and later, the chair of Botany at Queen’s College Dundee. He also held the chair of…


David Douglas Memorial

David Douglas (1799-1834), the botanist, was born in Scone and attended Kinnoull School. Initially working as a gardener at Scone Palace, he became a plant hunter travelling extensively in Northwest America, Hawaii and Canada.  He is famous for the introduction to Great Britain of a variety of plant species particularly the Douglas fir. Lists of other species he introduced are to be found on the monument. He died on Hawaii aged 35 in 1834. He was when gored by a bull after he fell into a pit into which the bull had also stumbled.


Perth Waterworks

The Waterworks were designed and built (1829-1832) under the supervision of Adam Anderson, then Rector of Perth Academy (1811 to 1839). Adam Anderson also designed Perth Gas works. As an academic he was responsible for a considerable body of research dealing with atmospheric phenomena and the utilisation of gases and other fuels. Following his tenure at Perth Academy he moved to St Andrews University when appointed Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. He died in St Andrews in 1846. His grave in Greyfriars Churchyard is marked by an obelisk. The building housed steam driven pumps which drew water through suction…

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