Cromwell’s Citadel – South Inch

The building of the citadel began in 1652. A modern information board, located within the South Inch car park set out a comprehensive history of the site. This was recently replaced with Panel 11 of the Perth Medieval Trail entitled Cromwell in Perth. The board details the area occupied by the citadel and the quantities of material used in its construction giving an indication of just how large and extensive was the citadel. Many of the older historic buildings of Perth were destroyed by Cromwell’s engineers as they gathered building material for its construction. In some cases only plaques remain…


South Inch Archery Butts

Originally this bench on the South Inch was a column marking the site of the archery butts on the scholars’ knoll. The knoll was lost during the levelling of the Inch during the 16th century. In the medieval period, towns which were attacked, relied on their citizens for defence which meant regular practice of archery was vital. According to Marshall a second stone, now lost, was sited “500 fathoms” from the first, approx. 1,000 metres. This must give an indication of what was expected from archers. The importance attached to archery can be judged by the setting out of two areas…


Sir Walter Scott statue on the South Inch

Sir Walter Scott’s statue on the South Inch just off Marshall Place was erected as a token of appreciation for his setting a novel in Perth. The Statue was originally at the foot of the High Street before being moved to its current position in 1877. Sir Walter made a series of visits to Perth and Perthshire where he derived his inspiration to write the novel “The Fair Maid of Perth”. The story is based on events involving the “Battle of the Clans”. To give the tale an air of authenticity he then nominated particular dwellings as the homes of…

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