King James VI Hospital

An information board (panel 10 of the PKHT Medieval Trail) explains the history of the Hospital. A Hospital at that time could be described as an early form of Poor House. It was built on the site of a Carthusian Monastery A royal charter in 1569 during the regency of the Earl of Moray established a hospital in Perth. The 1587 date on the building refers to a second royal charter by King James VI when he become old enough to rule, although buildings were not erected until 1596. The original buildings were not on the present site but close to…


Carthusian Monastery

Occupying extensive lands south of Hospital Street and west of King Street, the Carthusian Priory in Perth was the only one in Scotland, was founded in 1429 by James I (1406–1437). The  foundation of a Carthusian or Charterhouse Monastery is recorded on the obelisk in the rounds, on the corner of King Street and Hospital Street. Further details are on the information board 'The Vale of Virtue' on Hospital Street, panel 10 of the PKHT Medieval Trail. The Carthusian Order  is an enclosed order of both monks and nuns. The Carthusians are the most ascetic and austere of all the European monastic orders…

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