Early Modern period

Queen’s Barracks on Caledonian Road

This plinth on Caledonian Road stands beside the path to Black Watch Gardens and opposite Barrack Street / Dunkeld Road. It bears the crest of the Black Watch Regiment and an information board which tells the history of the Queen's Barracks from its beginnings in 1831 until the regiment moved to modern barracks in Dunkeld Road. In 2006 the Black Watch were integrated into the Royal Regiment of Scotland. See also Black Watch Castle and Museum.


Town and County Bank

Now a cosmetic dentistry centre, the building at 31 South Methven Street at its western corner with High Street was formerly the Town and County Bank and bears its crest. The building was erected in 1888-1889 at a time when much of central Perth was being redeveloped. The Bank's main office was in Aberdeen. After a series of takeovers the Town and County Bank became part of the Clydesdale Bank. Gifford reports the in the triangle between the arched door, the wall and ceiling there are two men with moustaches which merge into fruit.


Railway Station platform 7 plaque

A recently placed plaque on platform 7 tells of the past importance of Perth as a railway hub and how it came to be designed in 1848. Major alterations then took place in 1885-7 and 1911. We are unsure who commissioned or produced this plaque. If you know please let us know in the comments box below. Perth and Kinross Archive published a Facebook post on 7th Dec 2023 with photos revealing just how impressive the original Tudoresque main building looked, and how it was partially obscured by the later 1880s additions. As the metal roof of this later part…


Electricity Box dated 1900 in Viewlands Road

This particular box is sited in Viewlands Terrace. There are a number of similar boxes distributed throughout the city, for example at Pullars corner on Mill Street. . These boxes were part of the system in operation at a time when Perth generated its own electricity supply. The generating station which began providing electricity in 1901 was built on the shore, close to the site of the now redundant gasworks. By 1930 the capacity of the station was insufficient for the needs of Perth, additional supplies were bought in from the Grampian Electricity Board, which at that time, was building…

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