This B-listed building on York Place, originally the lodge for the 1836 Perth County and City Infirmary was built in 1840 to a design by William Donald Mackenzie, a Perth City Architect, who was responsible for a number of impressive public and domestic buildings within the city. The Infirmary is now the A K Bell Library.

The Lodge was was built in a neo-classical style to harmonise with the main hospital building.

It was moved and rebuilt on its present site on York Place in 1867. After being derelict for many years it was purchased and restored by the Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust work for which PKHT was given a Civic Trust Award in 2003, for an outstanding improvement to the built heritage of Perth.

The lodge served as the offices of PKHT until 2019 when they moved to the City Mills. It now houses the Rejuvenate Clinic.

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