This particular box is sited in Viewlands Terrace. There are a number of similar boxes distributed throughout the city, for example at Pullars corner on Mill Street. .

These boxes were part of the system in operation at a time when Perth generated its own electricity supply. The generating station which began providing electricity in 1901 was built on the shore, close to the site of the now redundant gasworks. By 1930 the capacity of the station was insufficient for the needs of Perth, additional supplies were bought in from the Grampian Electricity Board, which at that time, was building a series of hydro-electric schemes. Perth Corporation continued to be responsible for the electricity supply to Perth until 1948 when the North of Scotland Hydro Electricity  Board took over the task.

As this box is dated 1900, it must be one of the very early ones. The date suggests it had been installed as part of the process of wiring up the city prior to the generator station actually being in operation.

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